Top 10 Conversational Topics to Learn Portuguese

One of the best ways to learn Portuguese is by having conversations. It can be difficult to pick up a new language without practice in speaking it- as conversation can work to empower learning, build relationships, and cultivate connections with fluent speakers.

Once you have begun to learn Portuguese pronounciation and vocabulary, it's time to put your skills to the test through speaking the language.

I know what you're thinking: actually engaging in a conversation can be a lot more nerve-racking than studying the language on your own. But it's time to take the leap of faith, as speaking Portuguese is one of the most effective ways to develop your skills.

Aditionally, listening to portuguese from a native speaker is an awesome way to increase comprehension and discover new vocabulary.

In this article, I'm going to give you some conversation topics to get started, so that you can feel confident in diving in to speaking Portuguese.

Are you ready to start speaking and understanding Portuguese more fluently? Let's get started!

1. Food and Drink

As with many cultures, food and drink is a foundational conversation topic of Brazilian culture. Whether you're talking about feijoada or brigadeiro, it's sure to get any Brazilian chatty.

I've used this conversational topic on many occasions-- especially when getting to know someone for the first time. Everybody eats and drinks, so there will always be something to talk about!

Some questions you could ask are:

What do you like to eat?
O que você gosta de comer?

What is your favorite food?
Qual é sua comida favorita?

Some ways to talk about yourself:

My favorite food is... (bread, cheese, feijoada)
Minha comida favorita é... (pão, quiejo, feijoada)

I like to cook... (pasta, chicken, brigadeiros)
Eu gosto de cozinhar... (massa, frango, brigadeiros)

2. Introductions

Getting to know a Portuguese speaker for the first time? Here are some basic introductory questions and phrases to get you started.

Some questions you could ask

Hi, how are you?
Oi, tudo bem?

What is your name?
*Qual é o seu nome?

Where are you from?
De onde você é?

Some ways to talk about yourself:

I live in...
Eu moro em...

My name is...
Meu nome é...

3. The Weather

When in doubt, there will always be weather. So talk about it!

With one of my Brazilian penpals, talking about the weather in Colorado versus São José do Rio Preto was always fun to compare! (It was always much hotter in Brazil).

Some questions you could ask:

What is the weather like today?
Como está o tempo hoje?

Do you like rain?
Você gosta de chuva?

Some ways to talk about the weather:

My favorite climate is... (hot, cold)
Meu clima favorito é... (quente, frio)

The weather is (good, bad, nice) today.
*O tempo está (bom, mau, agradável) hoje.

4. Sports

Soccer is one of both Portuguese and Brazilian's favorite conversation topics. Why not engage in their favorite topics to learn Portuguese?

Some questions you could ask:

Who is your favorite team?
Qual time é seu favorito?

Do you play sports?
Você pratica esportes?

Some ways to talk about youself:

I am a fan of...
Eu sou fã de...

In my opinion, the best sport is...
Na minha opinião, o melhor esporte é ...

5. Jobs and Occupations

Money makes the world go round. That's why jobs and occupations is one of the best and most relevant topics to talk about.

Some questions you could ask:

What do you do for work?
O que você faz no trabalho?

Do you like your job?
Você gosta do seu emprego?

Some ways to talk about your career:

My profession is...
Minha profissão é...

In school, I studied...
Na escola eu estudei...

6. Movies and Books

Are you an avid reader or movie-goer? If so, talking about some of your favorite films and books can be a great way to speak Portuguese more fluently.

I discovered some amazing foreign films from a Portuguese friend that I connected with online. I like to think that I gave some pretty awesome book suggestions, as well!

Some questions you could ask:

What kind of movies do you like?
Que tipo de filme você gosta?

Who is your favorite author?
Qual é o seu autor favorito?

Some ways to talk about your own tastes:

I like to read because...
Eu gosto de ler porque...

I watch (horror) movies because...
Eu assisto filmes (de terror) porque...

7. Friends and Family

A great way to get to know someone is by asking about their friends and family. It's also a great way to learn Portugese vocabulary, making it one of the best topics to talk about.

Some questions you could ask:

Do you have any siblings?
Você tem irmãos?

What do you look for in a friend?
O que você procura em um amigo?

Some ways to talk about yourself:

My family is... (large, small, funny)
Minha familia é (grande, pequena, engraçada)

My best friend is great because...
Meu melhor amigo é ótimo porque...

8. Hobbies

One of the most classic conversation topics for learning Portuguese is hobbies, because you can discover new things about another person's culture.

Some things you could ask about:

What do you do for fun?
O que você faz para se divertir?

Why do you like that activity?
Por que você gosta dessa atividade?

Some things you can say about your interests:

I like to... (work out, dance, sing)
*Eu gosto de... (fazer exercício, dançar, cantar)

In my free time, I...
No meu tempo livre eu...

9. Pay a Compliment

Paying another person a compliment is always a great way to spark conversation topics.

Some compliments you could give:

I like your... (clothing vocabulary)
Eu gosto dos seus sapatos (shoes)

You are very... (smart, funny, cool)
Você é muito... (inteligente, engraçada, legal)

10. Music

Talking about music is a great way to learn Portuguese and Brazilian culture. Samba and Forró are both great places to start, as they contribute to the wonderful dance culture in Brazil?

Some questions you could ask:

What type of music do you prefer?
Que tipo de música você prefere?

Who is your favorite samba singer?
Quem é seu cantor de samba favorito?

Some ways you can talk about music:

My favorite musician is...
Meu músico favorito é ...

The best music is (rock and roll) because...
A melhor música é (rock and roll) porque...

Conversations Make Speaking Portuguese More Natural

One of the fastest ways to learn portuguese and speak the language better is through conversations. By doing so, the language will come more naturally to you.

With these conversation topics, you can connect with native speakers and work to build your vocabulary, which is an invauable skill to have.

Be patient with yourself! If you mess up, it only contributes to your learning. It's unlikely that a native Portuguese speaker will ever be frustarted with you. In fact, they're sure to want to help!

While there are a ton of great ways to learn a language, engaging in speech is one of the top ways to learn Portuguese.

Use these awesome conversation topics to launch in to your lanugage practice! Once you start a conversation, there will be tons of great topics to talk about! Good luck!