How To Memorize Spanish Vocabulary Faster
Ever wondered what to do when you can't seem to remember the new Spanish words that you've learnt a few hours ago? Well, here are some memory tips that could help you out!

Haven’t we all experienced that our brain is not functioning properly when learning a new language? For me, I have experienced this very feeling. Even while putting 15 minutes aside every day to improve my Spanish vocab, there are just some days where it's harder to remember the new words.
Well if you can relate, don't worry! Le ensearemos al cerebro quién manda (we will teach the brain who is in charge) with this article, and with the help of these suggestions, you will be picking up new Spanish words and phrases every day. So, let's get started!
Tips To Remember New Spanish Words 10x Faster.
1. Study Sentences With Context Rather Than Single Words.
Even though you understand basic Spanish language, you'll most likely still be pausing and interpreting in your brain when you find yourself in an honest discussion if you only learn word lists.
It is also much more beneficial to study what we refer to as "word chunks," that is, Spanish term pairings (or phrases) that are consistently used by native speakers, that seldom ever change, and which you can memorize as a whole.
As a result, you may start using them in discussions immediately, and you won't even need to consider grammar!
This method of learning Spanish is called "Conversation Based Chunking." Here are a few chunks of examples:
- Nice to meet you- ¡Mucho gusto!
- At what time- A qué hora?
- In the afternoon- Por la Tarde
- Good day- Buenos días
You'll speak Spanish effectively and considerably faster if you master these.
2. Learning Just Pertinent Words And Phrases
Although it sounds great to say, "No, todo eso esta mal," you may need to learn a more refined and valuable way to state, "I'm correct and you’re wrong."
Therefore, try to concentrate on fundamental phrases pertinent to you and why you are learning Spanish, at least in the beginning.
For example:
- Can you speak a bit slowly, please? I am still not fluent in Spanish- ¿Puedes hablar un poco despacio, por favor? Todavía no hablo español con fluidez.
- I am from Germany,what about you?- Soy de Alemania, ¿y tú?
- I love visiting different countries- Me encata visitar diferentes paises.
Because you can apply these phrases immediately and stick better, this makes a lot more sense (see the next tip).
3. Use The Knowledge You've Gained!
They stick far better if you use words and chunks than if you merely cram them. Together with a native speaker, you can use the new words to improve your communication in Spanish. Usa las palabras escribiendo algo.( Use the words by writing something).
Let's utilize the verb (to laugh) in a variety of situations:
- The film has made me laugh a lot- esta pelicula me ha hecho reir mucho
- When Elizabeth fell, we all laughed- Cuando Elizabeth cayó, todas reímos
- He made me laugh- el me hizo reir
You will remember the word rear far better if you use these words when talking to a native speaker (or maybe even writing to them) than if you repeat it from memory.
4. Utilize Mnemonics
Mnemonics are essentially just innovative tools that improve our memory. They heavily rely on association with previously learned material, which our brain is exceptionally adept at accomplishing quickly.
Visual learners might visualize words as pictures, whereas verbal learners might employ rhymes to assist them in recalling a list, such as the months of the calendar year.
Here is a helpful mnemonic:
ROPA and SOPA are not the same in Spanish, and the butter is "meant to kill ya." ROPA (clothing) and SOPA (soap) are frequently confused when studying Spanish.
The Spanish word for butter is MANTEQUILLA, which sounds like the phrase "meant to kill ya."
5. To Learn Chunks, Use Flashcards Or Flash Card Programs.
An organized method for memorization and revisiting chunks is using flashcards.
A perfect flashcard would have a complete Spanish sentence on it, but the part you should memorize is this:
FRONT: ¿____________ (What day ) te vas?
BACK: ¿Qué día te vas?
Below are some other examples of flashcards:
FRONT: Ella estudio español _____________ (in the morning).
BACK: Ella estudia español por la mañana
FRONT: ¿Qué llevas ____________ (in the bag)?
BACK: ¿Qué llevas en la bolsa?
After practicing them for a few days, you should feel comfortable reviewing them less frequently. Simply focusing on the English side will allow you to check your memory. Apps for smartphones can also be used for this. One example is Brainscape.
6. Use Sticky Notes To Decorate Your Home!
Another thing that could be helpful is to put small notes around the house (alrededor de la casa). You are probably wondering how this would work. Well, it is pretty simple.
For instance, start by placing small notes in your kitchen such as "refrigerador" (fridge), "microondas" (microwave), "vasos" (glasses), and so on. You'll notice that very soon; you won't even need to look at the post-its because you'll be pronouncing the word in the Spanish language in your head.
See how it helps? I think this is a fun and interesting way to master the language and enjoy yourself while at it.
7. Discover The Words' Earliest Uses
This may only appeal to me; however, studying something's etymology teaches me not just the origin but also a small story, and I enjoy reading novels.
For instance:
Caste- Castillo
The Latin term "castellum," a contraction of the word "castrum," which means "fortified place," is the source of both the Spanish word casa and the English word castle. The Latin word "cas" denotes cabin, shelter, or hut.
A short time before the Norman Conquest, the word "castle" was added to the English language to describe this kind of structure, which was unknown to England at the time. Interesting, is that true? (Pretty fascinating, right?)
8. Learn Words By Listening To Music
The simplest way to memorize Spanish vocabulary is probably through song, especially if you're a musical learner. Songs are catchy and can help you quickly master your language, even if they are ridiculous.
Your memory will be supported far better by rhyme schemes and recurrence than by memorizing new words. You can even decide to select a well-known song whose English meaning you already know.
Several websites focus on music that allows you to learn Spanish songs. An example of a song you can use to learn Spanish is Despacito. You can get this song on Spotify or any other music app. Always remember to look up each song's lyrics as well so you may learn new words both visually and audibly!
9. Identify Patterns
One of the great things about Spanish is that many of the words follow a pattern, so you may actually comprehend a lot more by learning one word. This is what I mean:
Words that end in -er, -ar, ir -or are almost always verbs in their indefinite form, such as votar.
Votado is an example of a word that likely has the past tense/adjectival form when it shares the same base as the indefinite but ends in -ido or -ado.
Inferring that bailado means "danced" from the fact that bailar implies "to dance."
Herir is the verb for "to injure," if you understand that herido implies "damaged" and can know backward from there.
10. Use Your Creativity To The Fullest
Whenever it comes to vocabulary, you may genuinely bring creative thinking into language acquisition! You can get more practice utilizing the words in their context by coming up with your sentences.
For instance, if you are having trouble remembering the days of the week, write down expressions that pertain to you, such as "aprendo guitarra todos los lunes" (I learn guitar every Monday) or "Asisto a mis clases los jueves y viernes" (I attend my classes on Thursdays and Fridays) This serves as a test to determine your comprehension of the word and your command of its usage.
Write a humorous story utilizing vocabulary from the subject you're studying. It doesn't matter if your language is excellent; what counts is coming up with memorable, clever imagery.
Master The Spanish Language With These Tips!
When anything is being memorized, it first enters the short-term memory before moving into the long-term memory after adequate exposure in the brain. You will initially understand Spanish words and then be ready to use them.
This is not a comprehensive collection of tips, and what succeeds for one person might not work for another. The key is to test them out and figure out which works for YOU because every learner is different. Most importantly, if you're having trouble, don't get upset—that's how it works! Maintaining a daily study habit will help you see progress.
If you don't have any Spanish speakers around you, you can use language-learning platforms such as Speechling. They provide native Spanish speakers to help you learn new words, improve your Spanish pronounciation and even understand Spanish in different accents!