8 French Comedians to Watch/Listen To

8 French Comedians to Watch/Listen To

There are a lot of different ways to learn a new language and a lot of different things to keep in mind. While vocab lists are always a good idea, they won't help you with reading or listening comprehension. Listening to French music is also useful, but it won't help you work on new vocab words or practice speaking.

Learning French takes effort, especially if you aren't living in a French-speaking country. However, it isn't impossible and it can even be fun. By watching French YouTube channels or listening to audiobooks in French, you can add some variety to your study sessions. If you've already grown bored of French YouTube channels and audiobooks, though, why not give French comedians a try?

Person watching TV.

Why Watch French Comedians?

French comedians are really quite entertaining to listen to. French humor is different from English humor and listening to French comedians will give you a unique look into French culture that can be hard to otherwise encounter. It's a fun way to dive into French culture.

Even if you aren't a big fan of stand-up comedy, listening to French stand-up specials can still be entertaining. It's a great way to stay motivated while learning as a comedy show will add a new twist to your study session. Whether you watch a full comedy special or just a short clip, it's sure to spice up your studying and give you a break from your routine.

Another great reason to listen and watch French comedians is to learn everyday words and phrases. While studying in a classroom environment or on your own at home can be beneficial, you may not be exposed to casual French. Comedy shows are a great way to learn new things that you may not otherwise come across.

Woman watching TV with popcorn.

Top 8 French Comedians for French Learners of All Levels

You don't have to speak perfect French to enjoy French comedians. When watching or listening online, you can often find clips and movies with closed captions which can make understanding the show that much easier. If you're really new to French or find yourself struggling to understand a comedian, you can turn on English or other language captions, though this isn't the best idea if you really want to immerse yourself in the language.

To get you started on your French comedy journey, here are some of the comedians that French learners and native French speakers alike enjoy. It's by no means a complete list, but hopefully, you'll be able to find at least one French comedian that interests you.

#1. Paul Taylor

Paul Taylor is one of my personal favorite French-language comedians. He's British, but he speaks fluent French (without an accent!) and has lived in France for several years. His comedy is largely focused on learning French as a native English speaker, making it relatable for many French learners. You can find two of his full-length comedy specials on his YouTube channel for free.

If you're just beginning your French learning journey, Paul Taylor is a fantastic resource! His shows and sketches are often bilingual and he speaks in a way that's easy to understand. When he speaks in French, he puts captions in English at the bottom of the screen and vice versa. If you're looking for a good place to start with French-language comedy, I would highly recommend his channel.

#2. Panayotis Pascot

If you have a Netflix subscription or access to one, then you're in luck! Panayotis Pascot's stand-up special Presque is available to watch no matter where you are. His comedy centers a lot on exposing vulnerability in a humorous manner and turns the imperfections of humanity into something we can all laugh about.

He is a native French speaker, making his comedy great for helping you work on your accent and pronunciation as well as exposing you to the natural rhythm of spoken French.

#3. Haroun

Haroun is another French comedian I enjoy. He has a very dry, dark sense of humor and his delivery is always hilarious. A lot of his sketches deal with politics, racism, religion, and other touchy topics in France, but unlike other comedians, his jokes don't feel overdone. His sharp observations provide for both humor and a new look at otherwise common topics.

#4. Florence Foresti

Florance Foresti is both a comedian and an actress. There are many clips of her comedy on her YouTube channel for free, which makes her a great option for anyone who doesn't want to watch a full-length special. She's widely recognized in France and does a lot of her comedy on the absurdity of situations that just about everyone has found themselves in.

#5. Blanche Gardin

Blanche Gardin doesn't have any full-length specials available for free, but she has some truly hilarious clips available online. She has done a lot of comedy at the Jamel Comedy Club, which is highly regarded by French comedians, as well as some work on the show Le Grand Journal on Canal Plus. Her comedy tends to be provacative and immodest, and she is certainly worth listening to.

#6. Cyprien

Many French learners discover Cyprien's YouTube channel at some point in their language learning journey, and for good reason! He creates a lot of hilarious skits, all available for free on YouTube. While he doesn't have a stand-up special, his sketches are always comedic and will get a laugh out of anyone, even if you don't understand every word that he says.

Cyprien's content is best for more advanced learners. He has the tendency to speak fast and his sketches move quickly. Beginner and even intermediate learners may struggle to understand his videos, but if you're up for a challenge, you can certainly test your listening comprehension!

#7. Fadily Camara

Like Blanche Gardin, Fadily Camara has done some shows as the Jamel Comedy Club. She also has a stand-up special available on Netflix called La plus drĂ´le de tes copines. She's a real ball of energy on stage and tends to dance and move around a lot during her shows. It's fun to watch, even if you don't understand exactly what is being said.

#8. Gad Elmaleh

Gad Elmaleh is one of the biggest comedians in France and one of the most well-known. He's done comedy in Canada and the US as well, though most of his work is in French. Two of his specials are available on Netflix: Part en live and American Dream. The second is simply an English-language adaptation of the first. In the show, he compares living in different countries and also discusses his unsuccessful attempt to be a comedian in the United States.

Woman laughing at her computer.

Enjoy Learning French

Learning French should be enjoyable. It shouldn't be something you dread, even if you are stuck in a classroom. As you've probably already learned, there can be a lot of stress and frustration when learning a language, especially if you don't enjoy studying.

By varying your study habits and resources, you can eliminate some of the boredom and frustration that you may experience. You can also get a new perspective and reignite your love for learning. If you use resources that make learning fun, then not only will you stop dreading your study sessions, but you'll find that you learn French faster.

When combined with other resources such as Speechling, listening to French comedians can only accelerate your learning process. It won't work very well on its own, but as every language learner knows, using a variety of resources is the best choice you can make to help you reach your goals!