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今天不會下雨。 (It's not supposed to rain today.)
天氣真熱。 (It's really hot.)
明天會下雨。 (It's supposed to rain tomorrow.)
今晚會天氣會冷。 (It'll be cold this evening.)
今天雨下得很大。 (It rained very hard today.)
今天會下雪。 (It's going to snow today.)
昨天下雪了嗎? (Did it snow yesterday?)
取決於天氣。 (It depends on the weather.)
今天很冷。 (It's very cold today.)
外面冷嗎? (Is it cold outside?)
熱嗎? (Is it hot?)
在下雨嗎? (Is it raining?)
氣溫有多少度? (What's the temperature?)
天氣如何? (How's the weather?)
你認為今天會下雨嗎? (Do you think it'll rain today?)
你認為明天會下雨嗎? (Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow?)
今天天氣會熱。 (It's going to be hot today.)
在下雨。 (It's raining.)
明天天氣如何? (What will the weather be like tomorrow?)
明天應該會下雨嗎? (Is it supposed to rain tomorrow?)
風很大。 (It's very windy.)