외국어 스피킹 실력 향상시키기
기본 질문
전체 카테고리
표시 1 - 25 다음
How's work going? (일은 잘 되어갑니까?)
How are you? (어떻게 지내세요?)
Really? (정말?)
At what time? (몇 시로 할까요?)
Can you repeat that please? (다시 한 번 말해줄래요?)
Do you know how to cook? (요리할 줄 아세요?)
Do you know what this says? (이게 무슨 뜻인지 아세요?)
Have you arrived? (도착했어요?)
Have you been? (잘 지냈어요?)
How was the movie? (영화는 어땠어요?)
Is this pen yours? (이 펜은 당신 것입니까?)
When did this happen? (언제 이 일이 발생했나요?)
Why not? (왜 안 되나요?)
Will you remind me? (다시 알려 주시겠어요?)
Isn't it? (아니에요?)
Is that ok? (괜찮겠어요?)
Where would you like to meet? (어디서 만났으면 좋겠어요?)
Which one is better? (어떤 게 더 나아요?)
Who won? (누가 이겼습니까?)
Can we sit over there? (저기 앉아도 돼요?)
Did you come with your family? (가족과 함께 왔나요?)
Do you think it's possible? (가능하다고 생각해요?)
Is there a tour? (투어가 있나요?)
Male or female? (남성인가요 여성인가요?)
What's the name of the company? (회사 이름이 뭐예요?)