외국어 스피킹 실력 향상시키기
전체 카테고리
표시 1 - 21
It's not supposed to rain today. (오늘은 비가 오지 않는다고 했어요.)
It's really hot. (무척 더워요.)
It's supposed to rain tomorrow. (내일 비가 올 거래요.)
It'll be cold this evening. (오늘 저녁은 추울 거예요.)
It rained very hard today. (오늘은 비가 많이 왔어요.)
It's going to snow today. (오늘은 눈이 올 거예요.)
Did it snow yesterday? (어제 눈이 왔나요?)
It depends on the weather. (그것은 날씨 나름이에요.)
It's very cold today. (오늘은 날씨가 매우 추워요.)
Is it cold outside? (밖이 추운가요?)
Is it hot? (더워요?)
Is it raining? (비가 오나요?)
What's the temperature? (온도가 어떻게 돼요?)
How's the weather? (날씨가 어때요?)
Do you think it'll rain today? (오늘 비올까요?)
Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow? (내일 비가 올 것 같아요?)
It's going to be hot today. (오늘은 더울 거예요.)
It's raining. (비가 내려요.)
What will the weather be like tomorrow? (내일 날씨는 어떨까요?)
Is it supposed to rain tomorrow? (내일 비가 오기로 되어 있나요?)
It's very windy. (바람이 많이 불어요)